Enter Sales Orders Over the Web Using The Sales Portal

Enter Sales Orders Over the Web Using The Sales Portal

Enter Sales Orders Over the Web Using The Sales Portal

Dynamics AX includes a number of web based portals that are designed to allow you to access almost all of the same information that is available within the traditional rick client through a much thinner interface.  One of the portals is a sales portal that allows you to look up customer information, record activities against the customers and even place orders through the web that are then immediately available for everyone regardless of how they are accessing the system.

This is a great way for salespeople to quickly access information from Dynamics AX on their laptops, or even through their tablets, because all they need is a connection to the Enterprise Portal site and a web browser.


To see all of the orders through the web, just open up the Sales Portal from within the Enterprise Portal, and click on the Sales Orders menu item within the Common menu group on the left.


To place a new order, the user just needs to click on the Sales Order button within the New group of the Sales order ribbon bar.

When the New sales order dialog box is displayed, you can enter in all of the header information for the order such as the Customer account, the Contact for the order, and also the sourcing information for the sales order.


Within the Lines group, if you click on the Add line button within the menu bar, it will allow you to enter in all of the line information such as the Item number, quantity, and also all of the default pricing information will be automatically calculated for you.


Also other functionality such as product configuration are built into the sales portal as well.


Once the order is saved through the Sales Portal, it is immediately available to everyone through the rich client.


  1. Bahaa Al Thebian said:

    I don‘t know any word bigger than thanks I have to say it to you , but really I appreciate your intiation of sharing such greate knwoledge …..

  2. Raghabendra Mukherjee said:

    “https://dynamicsaxtipoftheday.com/” is the best source to upgrade myself everyday. The way you represent any topic, is awesome.Thanks a lot for sharing your knowledge with us.

  3. araviraj said:

    Why sales line discount price, discount percentage is not editable during order creation?
    Will you please tell me why it is not like ax sales order creation,here in create form we are not using sales line table ,sales basket line table we are using during sales line creation what is the reason for this.

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